Breaking Bias in Healthcare®

Learn to transform unconscious bias and enhance wellbeing in the healthcare industry.

Be more with Anu breaking bias in healthcare

Breaking Bias in Healthcare is an hour-long, self-paced course for healthcare professionals to:

  • Reduce unconscious bias.

  • Hone interpersonal skills.

  • Build equity and belonging.

  • Enhance wellbeing.

The course uses instructor-led short-form videos, interactive reflection exercises, and a shame-free learning environment.

4 lessons


12 videos


16 exercices


Be more with Anu unconscious bias

Great foundational module on unconscious bias that has actionable steps to mitigate bias in healthcare. Excellent resource for healthcare professionals!

— Dr. Carla Wicks, Kaiser Permanente

Gain the tools and knowledge to equitably improve clinical outcomes

  • Learn the five W’s (who, what, where, when, why) of unconscious bias in healthcare.

  • Practice PRISM® tools, our unique mindfulness-based toolkit for breaking bias and enhancing wellbeing.

  • Develop curiosity and solutions-orientation towards breaking bias and addressing mental health challenges in healthcare.

  • Strengthen Awareness, Comprehension, Curiosity, and Optimism on the BE MORE Journey

Access the tools you need to advance health equity and wellbeing

Be more with Anu

60 minutes of interactive content with lifetime access

Be more with Anu journey

PRISM® tools - our unique mindfulness-based toolkit

downloadable pdf
certificate of completion

Downloadable PDFs with tools and additional resources

Certificate of completion

Be more with Anu testimonial

The Breaking Bias in Healthcare program is an excellent resource for building awareness of unconscious bias and providing useful strategies for breaking that bias. The presentation is interesting, interactive, and personal.

- Aine Calgaro, Lung Cancer Research Foundation (LCRF)

What you’ll learn

The building blocks of Breaking Bias in Healthcare


  • Course Introduction

  • The Implicit Association Test (IAT)

Module One

  • Science of Unconscious Bias

  • Unconscious Bias and Decision-Making

Module Two

  • Implications of Unconscious Bias

  • Story of Khari

  • Unconscious Bias & Health Disparities

  • Unconscious Bias in Medicine

  • Unconscious Bias & Excess Costs

Module Three

  • Breaking Bias with PRISM®

  • Mindfulness: An Introduction and Benefits

  • The PRISM® Methodology

Be more with Anu bias in healthcare industry

You can transform bias in the healthcare industry

Social determinants of health and persistent health disparities highlight the persistent challenge of unconscious bias in healthcare settings. For decades, scientists have identified bias in the clinical encounter as a root cause of health disparities from maternal mortality to cardiovascular health. 

But you have more control over it than you might think. Bias is a learned habit of thought that keeps us from caring for one another. Unlearning bias can help us restore the connection, confidence, and courage we need to transform health disparities while saving wasted resources and reducing human suffering.

Be more with Anu BBH logos

We developed this course with support from the New York State Health Foundation and input from over 50 healthcare leaders at the AAMC, AMWA, and Mount Sinai Health System. 

Learn the skills you need to transform bias in healthcare.

Be more with Anu

“This program was bite size and gave me a great summary of the data out there and provided meaningful ways to improve in the workplace! I can't wait to share what I learned with my colleagues and will definitely recommend it to my residency class.”

— Dr. Mehwish Ahmed, University of Michigan

Who is this course for

Breaking Bias in Healthcare is designed for physicians, residents, nurses, nurse practitioners, medical and nursing students, medical administrators, academics, social workers, therapists, case managers, funders, investors, and anyone who is interested in transforming bias in the delivery of healthcare and in the healthcare workplace.

We believe healthcare professionals can provide compassionate care to their patients, free of bias, once they understand what bias is — a learned habit of thought — and integrate tools that build better habits.

Get immediate access to Breaking Bias in Healthcare today!


  • Learn the ins and outs of unconscious bias in a shame-free environment 

  • Experience the mental health benefits of our unique mindfulness-based PRISM® toolkit

  • Receive downloadable resources to continue on your breaking bias journey

  • Certificate of completion that you can add to your credentials

  • Be a part of our growing community of people breaking unconscious bias with you!

We are an equity-driven business. We define equity as people receiving what they need based on their personal history and circumstances.  

If you are a healthcare organization seeking to bring this solution to your team, visit our DEIB Solutions page and contact us.

If you’re a student or someone experiencing financial difficulty, click here to enroll in Breaking Bias in Healthcare at a discounted rate of $99. 

If you’re someone who wants to support us in offering scholarships, click here to enroll in Breaking Bias in Healthcare at a champion rate of $199. 

Be more with Anu