Government & Nonprofits

Be more with Anu government and nonprofits

“The Federal Government should have a workforce that reflects the diversity of the American people.  A growing body of evidence demonstrates that diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible workplaces yield higher-performing organizations.” -The White House’s Executive Order on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce

The Biden Administration has made it very clear that embracing DEIB is the future of the public sector, not a choice. After George Floyd’s murder, government agencies and nonprofits feel an urgency to address and transform the root causes of bias, division, and inequity. 

It’s been our honor to serve as a thought partner and training provider to federal, state, and local government agencies as well as numerous equity-minded nonprofits seeking to go beyond compliance and actualize their commitment to DEIB. 

For over two decades, Anu has synthesized research from law, history, sociology, and adult learning to design the BE MORE Journey. Our science-backed approach walks law firms through a training roadmap that lets you begin at the right place for your team and work at the pace that supports your learning.

Be more with Anu

We can help your organization reach its DEI commitments

We understand the unique landscape of government agencies and nonprofits, and we’re ready to help you take the next step toward your DEIB goals.

  • I've heard about and taken some trainings on unconscious bias. This course is head and shoulders above the others. I will begin to promote this class as required training for all of our supervisors and new employees to the organization.

    Will Meeks, US Fish & Wildlife Service

  • BE MORE with Anu's program was eye opening. As an organization, we learned a number of new things about both bias and disparities that will help us move our mission forward. Anu makes a complex and challenging topic easy to understand. We look forward to working with him more in the future.

    Michael Niekamp, VP, Lung Cancer Research Foundation

  • Anu listened to our needs and asked great questions during our prep sessions, and it was a relief to be able to fully trust that he would create and deliver two very impactful programs to more than 850 participants. The positive feedback we've received in session surveys say it all about Anu's passion for equity, and his vulnerable and authentic style. If you're on an equity, diversity, and inclusion journey, I recommend you reach out to the kind folks at Be More with Anu!

    Megan Whitney, Feeding America

  • After completing this program, I am more enlightened about the history of racial disparities, more connected to people who are actively trying to create equity, and more motivated to continue the work on my own. I can now be a leader, organizer, teacher, and activist who contributes to ending racial bias.

    Merlin Clarke, Nonprofit Executive

  • This is an excellent training that forces you to hold a mirror up to the way you perceive people and experiences at work. It was really helpful to be given tools to break unconscious bias that feel realistic and achievable.

    Dana Yanocha, Institute for Trade & Development Policy (ITDP)

Our Products

Learn how we meet legal organizations where they’re at – wherever they’re at – with our extensive product catalog.

Be more with Anu

The BE MORE Journey

Learn how Anu developed the BE MORE Journey after two decades of study, research, and practice.

The Be More Journey

Ready to Get Started?

With our extensive product portfolio, leaders can skillfully quell doubts and rest assured that their teams are truly embodying your organization’s DEIB commitment.

Schedule a call to explore how we can help you achieve your goals to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in your organization.
